Architectural Photographer Based In Barcelona
“Joan’s work has managed to create photographs which capture the relationship between the built object, the landscape, light and materiality. Furthermore we really believe that Joan manages to transmit something slightly more intangible which the architects pursue, the idea that the building must remain over the time and that at the end of the intervention, all will be prior and all will be new”
Borja & Carlos Ferrater (OAB)
Joan started photography at the age of thirteen, stunned by the beauty of nature during a family tryp to Iceland. In his early years, while learning photography, his main subjects where wildlife and landscapes. His pictures quickly became well acclaimed by the public and he began receiving prices for his work.
Soon after applying in his architectural studies he started being interested in urban landscapes and began taking pictures about Barcelona. After some years this practice became an habit and by the time he graduated in architecture he was already working on photographic assignments for well known architects, so he decided to go full time architectural photography, his true passion.
Joan now combines his work as an architectural photographer with his personal look around city scenes and wildlife. He also keeps practicing the traditional art of film photography, producing in his own darkroom fine art silver gelatin prints.